Overstone School

Northampton 1929-1979

Overstone Association Membership for Old Overstonians and Staff Members


Overstone Association



The aim of the Association is to keep Old Overstonians in touch with each other. We have a constitution that can be viewed on this site. 



At the present time we have a membership of 106 girls. The oldest left Overstone in 1952. The youngest left when the school closed in 1979.


It is easy to join the Overstone Association, you can use the email contact below and a form will be sent to you.  Email : info@overstoneschool.co.uk. 


The cost of joining is £7 per annum, all subs are due to be paid by 14th February.  The subscription  renewals are generally sent out in the early part of the year  i.e January 2024. We are moving towards Standing Orders of £7 per annum, or BACS payments. Details of the bank account will be on the form. Members may wish to donate a small sum with the subscription, for instance , an annual standing order rounded up to £10 would be welcome.  We really prefer Standing Orders as this cuts down chasing late payers, but if this is not an option we will still receive good old paper cheques.


What is provided:

We produce a members contact address booklet. we mail all members with dates of events and give preferential price and booking for our biennual London Reunion.

Keystone is produced biennually and sent to all paid up members. keystone@overstoneschool.co.uk

The website is updated once a month : website@overstoneschool.co.uk


To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation we are legally obliged to inform you about our storage and use your personal information. . From time to time we contact you by post, email and on rare occassions by telephone. However, if a member asks us not to contact them, we always do as they wish. We ask members to chose their preferred modes of contact when they join the Overstone Association. Members may change their preferences at anytime by contacting the secretary at info@overstoneschool.co.uk

If you do not consent to allow us to contact you in these ways we must, by law, remove your details from our records and thereby you will miss out on vital information.However, you can always check our activities on the website: ww.overstoneschool.co.uk

 1. What do we store?  When you become a member we ask for your contact details, home address, email address, telephone number, maiden name and the year in which you left Overstone School;

2. Where and why are your details stored? Your details are stored by the Association Secretary so that we can contact you about Association matters, eg subscription renewals, invitations, requests for news and the Keystone magazine;

3. Who has access to these details? The Association Secretary or a designated Committee Member. Fully paid up members may see this information in the address booklet. If we receive a request for contact details from a non member we never divulge them directly, we contact the member with the enquirer’s details so that the member may contact them directly;

4. We never share any contact details with a third party.



Email contact: info@overstoneschool.co.uk


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The Committee


Members of the Committee:





Sue Bennett


Trudy Box

Members ListSue Jordan    rsesljorda@aol.com


Sanna Daw

Committee Members

Sue Brooks 

Wendy Coy
Catriona Bracken
Shelley Redbart
 Reunion Coordinator

 Sue Sharland

 Keystone Editor 2022 Judith Tonry  keystone@overstoneschool.co.uk
ArchivistTrudy Box   trudyjbox@gmail.com
WebsiteSue Bennett  website@overstoneschool.co.uk


Chairman Elect

Keystone Editor Elect


 Wendy Coy

Sue Brooks



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