Overstone School

Northampton 1929-1979

Overstone Association Membership for Old Overstonians and Staff Members


Business, Agenda & Minutes


Agenda for the General Meeting 16th September 2023

Agenda for the Biennial Annual General Meeting of


Saturday 16 th September 2023


The Overstone Golf Club

Billing Lane




Apologies:, Camilla Baskcomb, Anthea Coffey, Sue Dawkins, Cherry Gibbs, Lyn Groves,  Loretta Harris, Mary Hendry, Jane Hoskin, Joyce Peel, Bridget Peirson- Davies, Felicity Pugh, Jane Swintek, Viv White, Gillian Phillips, Caroline Hepworth, Nicky Mines, Beany Everett, Rosie May, Jane Hill, Amanda Park, Mary Wilson, Josephine Peel, Ann Rachlin,Elaine Ralphs, Netty Sayers,Rosie  May,


Minutes of the BGM 16th  September 2021 (Circulated and published on website)


Chairman’s Report


Secretary’s Report  


Treasurer’s Report


Keystone Report


Archivist Report


Website Report



Election of the Committee: Chairman

                                                  Keystone Editor

                                                   Website Manager


News of Overstone House


Founder’s Days


Future Reunions/ 3 day break to Cambridge September 2024.


Draft Minutes of the General Meeting  18th September 2021.

Minutes of the Biennial General Meeting




18th Sepember 2021 at

The University Women’s Club

2 Audley Square, London W1


1. Apologies Received

Maite Burt, Catriona Bracken, Susan Santos, Jane Plumptre, Jenny Verrier, Joanne Cahill-Shaw, Sue Church, Alison Engleby, Mary Shaw, Camilla Baskcomb, Rosie May, Jane Buckingham, Ann Gale, Rosie Cooper, Carol Childs, Di Scott, Kate Walker, Anthea Coffey, Mary Hendry, Norma Kent, Clare Conant, Bridget Peirson-Davies, Viv White, Julia Jelley, Marie Baker, Cherry Gibbs,

Sue Bennett welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded non members present that they were welcome to stay but could not vote.


2. Minutes of the BGM 12 September 2019


The minutes of the 2019 BGM were accepted and signed.

Proposed: Sue Sharland

Seconded: Sue Jordan


3. Chairman’s Report: Sue Bennett


Welcome, after a very strange 18 months, we are so pleased to see you all. Since we last met we have not been able to be social, so it was a great treat to meet at Stowe Gardens in June for a Founder’s Day Celebration. There were 24 old girls present and a past member of staff Mr Pelly who came especially to meet girls from 1969 leavers group.


I would like to thank all of the Committee for carrying on meeting by Zoom during this time. Judith Tonry produced a super Keystone and Sue Jordan kept an eye on the membership contact details. Sanna always watches our finances, and of course, Sue Sharland has once more co ordinated this Reunion. Trudy Box not only the new secretary, but is our new archivist and took over from Julia Jelley recently when “ freedom” was allowed. Bridget Peirson-Davis has worked with Sue Jordan and Judith Tonry to make sure all the mailshots go out promptly. The Committee is a well oiled machine. We are saying goodbye to Sue Dawkins who has been a stalwart member of the meet and greet team, standing out in all weathers hunting for members turning up for Founder’s Days. We are looking for a replacement for Sue at this meeting. Viv White has also signalled she is happy to stand down if we receive plenty of proposals.


Before we move forward in the agenda, I would just like to flag up the proposition I put in my letter to you all concerning the future of the Association. This is, of course, linked to the finding of Committee members. As I said in my letter there have been several times when we felt we would have to wind the Association up, either due to a drop in members or the inability to find a committee. We are grateful for the strong support of members, many who attend all the Events, your attendance shows us how much the Association means to you. It is a matter of whether we plan a natural end to the Association in 2029, 100 years of the school opening and 50 since it closed, or if we stagger on hoping someone will take the helm and keep it going.


I shall be 82 in 2029 and shall not want to be in post!


 We have an opportunity with the proposals in the new constitution to co opt members to see if they would be able to offer skills to the members could shadow a Committee member and gradually take over.  We are not seeking a decision about winding up in 2029 today. We are seeking that you agree to the proposals made for the changes of the Constitution. We feel that these changes clarify certain areas to help a new committee move forward, should we find one, or give the present committee a framework in which to continue.


While we go through the rest of the formal agenda please give some thought as to what you could bring to the committee. There are nomination forms available today.


Under Item 10 News of Overstone House: Nothing new to report after the granting of 16 flats in the main house in July 2019. It may be this is not enough profit to make the rest of the project viable at this stage. Barry Howard was contacted but he has not replied.


Website: We have had 15 and a half thousand visits to the site since January. Mainly onto the Members Photos pages. The contiributions have been a bit sparse recently but are picking up again as the world achieves the “new normal”.


Thanks to Zsolt and his staff for looking after us so well today.


4. Due to re organisation of the Committee there is no report from the Secretary, Trudy Box has offered to cover this position pro tem


5.Treasurer’s Report: Sanna Daw.


2021 Reunion Treasurer’s Report

18 September 2021 at the University Women’s Club, Mayfair

Accounts ending 31 December 2020

Please find copies of the accounts on your tables.

These are for the year up to the end of December 2020.  This year I have included the 2019 which completes the 2 year view.

You can see the key items of income and expenditure as well as the profit for the year, and the closing balance at the bottom is the amount we have in the bank.

Our income mostly came from the membership fees of £1,204 from 101 members, 14% of whom are now paying by annual Standing Order which makes everything easier for both them and me. We received donations of £128 and other income is our bank interest.

Last year was a Keystone year and we also printed the address booklet which together cost £564 to print and send out, a substantial saving on the previous cost of £900 thanks to Judith’s new supplier. We also saved in 2020 by not paying the usual £250 deposit for this Reunion until this year as we wanted to be certain we would be able to go ahead due to the Covid situation last year. The other £90 of costs are for the usual January mailing which was arranged by Bridget.

The profit for the year was £592, which is larger than usual due to the reasons outlined above.  This is added to the retained income brought forward to give over £4,000 to carry forward into the current year.

Subs frequency

We are trying to encourage as many members as possible to switch to annual Standing Order or to pay by BACS (bank transfer) and we advertise this on the renewal forms and in the address book. This makes it easier for me to keep track of income but I do understand that there are members who prefer to send a cheque. Subs remain payable 2 years in advance at £14 or £7 a year on the Standing Order.

The rate of subs

I have done a forecast for the current year and next year, which takes into account this Reunion and Keystone next year, and we expect to make a small profit each year.  We also have a healthy bank balance of over £4k, so I do not propose that the subs be increased.

Future health of the association

The £4k that is in the bank account means that we would be able to keep the Association going a further 2 years following any decision to close the Association and stop collecting subs.  We would be able to pay for the website for 2 years and also hold one last Reunion lunch.

Accounts proposed by: Trudy Box

Accounts seconded by: Roberta Coe


6. Keystone Report: Judith Tonry. All is in hand for the next edition which will include plans of the Main House. The edition is  to be published in 2022.


7. Archivist’s  Report : Trudy Box. The archives were successfully transferred from Julia Jelley. They are being studied and will be used at various times for Keystone, the Address Booklet and any inquiries about past events and pupils


8. Proposed Changes to the Constitution; The proposed Constitution was read through. Jane Haworth (1964) proposed a change from “students” to “pupils”. This was accepted unanimously.

The acceptance of the Constitution was proposed by: Liz Morgan (1958) and seconded by Maggie Jones ( 1960). It was accepted unanimously.



9. Election of new Committee Members

The positions for election at this BGM are the Secretary roles. The following kindly volunteered:


Secretary: Trudy Box


The rest of the committee are willing to continue in post, which was accepted.


10. News of Overstone House

No news has been received, planning permissions seem to come and go.


11. Founder’s Day: Date and Venue will be announced in the Chairman’s January letter.


The next BGM will be in 2 years 2023.


12. A.O.B.


Judith Tonry thanked Sue Bennett for all her hard work and presented her with a bouquet of flowers
Proposed agenda for the General Meeting of the Overstone Association to be held on 18th September 2021
at The University Women's Club , 2, Audley Square, London W1.


Agenda for the General Meeting of


18th September 2021


University Women’s Club         

2, Audley Sq

London W1


Apologies: Marie Baker, Camilla Baskcomb, Sarah Bellman, Kate Burrows, Anthea Coffey, Sue Dawkins, Beany Everitt, Ann Gale, Cherry Gibbs, Jane Hoskin, Julia Jelley, Pam Knight,  Many Park,  Joyce Peel, Bridget Peisron- Davis, Jane Pottow, Gillian Phillips, Dain Pinder, Ann Rachlin, Clare Reffin, Carole Scott, Christina Simpson, Jane Swintek, Viv White, Mary Wilson.


Minutes of the GM 12th September 2019 (Circulated and published on website)


Chairman’s Report


Secretary’s Report


Treasurer’s Report


Keystone Report


Archivist Report


Proposed changes to the Constitution


Election of new Committee


News of Overstone House


Founder’s Days


Future Reunions/ 3 day Break to Bath 



Draft Minutes of the BGM 2019



14 September 2019


The University Women’s Club

2 Audley Square, London W1


1.     Apologies Received

Maite Burt, Primrose Ludlow, Catriona Bracken, Susan Santos, Jane Plumptre, Jenny Verrier, Joanne Cahill-Shaw, Sue Church, Alison Engleby, Mary Shaw, Camilla Baskcomb, Rosie May, Jane Buckingham, Ann Gale, Rosie Cooper, Carol Childs, Di Scott, Kate Walker, Jo Johnson, Dee Morris, Jackie Phillips, Anthea Coffey, Mary Hendry, Norma Kent, Maggie Witherick, Ann Groves, Clare Conant

2.     Minutes of the BGM 12 September 2017

Sue welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded non members present that they were welcome to stay but could not vote.

The minutes of the 2017 BGM were accepted and signed.

Proposed: Sue Sharland

Seconded: Sue Jordan

3.     Chairman’s Report: Sue Bates /Bennett

Attendance today is probably the largest since about 2008!

Thanks were given to the Committee, especially to retiring Honorary Secretary Jo Johnson and ex officio Cherry Gibbs.  Also to the greeters Sue Dawkins and Sue Caple Jordan; to Bridget and the choir for the sung grace and to all who have made the effort to attend today.

The last two years have been busy with two Founder’s Days at Upton House and Greys Court, with about 20 at each.  National Trust properties are used as the venues are generally good and many Old Girls are members.  Next year it will be Charlecote Park in June.  The date will be in the New Year Letter.

A three day break was instituted 4 years ago in the alternate year to the BGM.  Last year we were in in York. 22 Old Girls attended at some point over the course of the 3 days.  Next year is to be Bath in May.  These events are not organised beyond arranging a meeting place.

The Overstone Website continues to be maintained.   It is useful as we get contacts  from it and members supply photos which are put on the Members’ Photos pages.  The site received 14,000 visits last year with nearly 3,000 unique visitors, mainly from the UK, USA and Germany. The bi-annual renewal is next due in 2019.

Our Committee. As volunteers we do our best to come up with ideas to help us all keep in touch.  We are indebted to Sue Sharland for organising today’s event, Julia Jelly, our archivist, for printing the invitations, Sue Caple Jordan for keeping the membership lists, Judith Tonry for printing up labels and contemplating Keystone for next year, Jo Johnson who has fielded all the secretarial work; and Viv White has handed over the Treasurer’s job to Sanna Daw.

Sanna has produced projections for our finances over the next 2 years to keep a check on how we are doing.  The Committee have never charged expenses in the past however, when considering the recruitment of new Committee members and due to the rising cost of travel, we have decided to offer some payment towards the cost of travel, at the discretion of the Treasurer and Chairman.  To be covered further in the Treasurer’s Report.

We are a friendly and co-operative Committee who now have a need for two more members, an Honorary Secretary and a Mailshot Secretary.  The Honorary Secretary would need to attend two meetings per year held at Sue Sharland’s house in Oxfordshire.  They need to be able to send emails with the Agenda before the meeting and the Minutes after.  This person would be an Officer of the Association as set out in the constitution and without them we will have to close the Association.  The Mailshot Secretary would be responsible for sending out two mailings per year, in January for Subs and the Chairman’s letter and in April for the Address booklet and Reunion information.  Please consider volunteering when we come to the Election of the new Committee members later.

Thanks to Zsolt and his staff for looking after us so well today.

4.    Secretary’s Report

Our Secretary can’t be here today so there is no Secretary’s Report. We offer special thanks to Jo as we have benefitted greatly from her ability to redesign forms.

5     Treasurer’s Report: Sanna Daw

A copy of the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2018 was circulated.  Sanna went through them and reminded members that Subs are paid 2 years in advance and will be due again next year.  

Last year was a Keystone year which cost £900 to print and send out.  We have also included the deposit for this Reunion which was £250.  There was a one-off expense of £84 to send out the GDPR letters to make sure we complied with the new legislation, though this was covered by a donation from a member. 

Last year saw a profit of £263.82 though this is on a cash basis.  Next year the account will be adjusted to show the subs in the year they cover and the deposit for the Reunion to be in the Reunion year.

A request was made to ensure that Subs are paid on time, in January/February of the year they become due. Payment by BACS is welcomed as are annual Standing Orders as they make the Treasurer’s job a great deal easier.

As the bank balance has over £3,300 the Subs are to stay at £7 per year.

Expenses.  We are aware that the money we hold is your money and would like to keep expenses to a minimum.  Committee members can claim up to a maximum of £50 per year, at the discretion of the Treasurer and the Chairman.

Our Overstone book was produced at no expense to the Association.

The accounts for year ending 31 December 2018 were accepted and signed

Proposed: Cherry Gibbs

Seconded: Trudy Box

6.     Our Overstone and Archives: Julia Jelly

Julia Jelly created the book from our archives that she holds and from people’s memories. It is not a history, just a general picture of the life we lived.  Overstone was a musical school; Gustav Holst wrote a motet for us which is upstairs to view. Julia asked if any Overstone information that individuals don’t want anymore could be passed to her for the archives.

Rebecca Beveridge gave a vote of thanks to Julia for all her hard work over the years and presented her with a bottle of Champagne.

Thanks were made to the beekeeper in return for the kind gifts of honey and fudge that were on the tables.

7.    Election of new Committee Members

The positions for election at this BGM are the Secretary roles. The following kindly volunteered:

Honorary Secretary: Trudy Box

Mailshot Secretary:  Bridget Peirson-Davis

The rest of the committee are willing to continue in post, which was accepted.

8.               News of Overstone House

Planning permission for the development may have gone through but this is not certain.  There may be an issue with the order of the building work as the developer wants to build the new housing first rather than restoring the house, in order to pay for the restoration.

9.               Founder’s Day

Charlecote Park in June.  Date will be notified in the Chairman’s Letter in January.

10.            Future Reunions

3 day break in Bath.  Dates will be notified in the Chairman’s Letter in January.

The next BGM will be in 2 years.

11.            A.O.B.

Sue Sharland gave a vote of thanks to Sue Bates for all her hard work as Chairman.  

The meeting closed at 3:15 


Agenda for the Biennial Annual General Meeting of


14h September 2019


University Women’s Club

Audley Sq



Apologies: Marie Burt , Primrose Ludlow Catriona Bracken, Susan Santos, Jane Plumptre, Jenny Verrier, Jo Cahill, Sally Cahill, Sue Church, Alison Engleby, Mary Shaw, Camilla Baskcomb,Candida Baskcomb, Rosie May, Jane Buckingham, Rosie Cooper, Ann Gale, Carol Childs, Di Scott, Kate Walker, Jo Johnson, Dee Morris, Jackie Phillips, Anthea Coffey, Mary Hendry, Norma Kent, Maggie Witherick.


Minutes of the BGM 12th September 2017

Chairman’s Report

Secretary’s Report

Treasurer’s Report


Election of new Committee


Minutes secretary for 2 meetings per year. Agenda and minutes via email to committee.


Mailshot assistant for 2 mailings per year January for Subs, and April for info on Reunions and Address booklet.


News of Overstone House


Founder’s Days


Future Reunions/ 3 day Break to Bath .



The approved minutes from the Bi Annual General Meeting 2017 are as follows:



14:00 on 2nd September 2017 at the University Women’s Club, London



1.      Apologies Received & Minutes of the BGM dated 12th September 2015


Apologies were received from Norma Kent, Charlotte Mackay, Helen Lattaway,

Josephine Peel ,Lorrie Graham, Ann Groves, Jane Kimberley.


Minutes of the 2015 meeting were proposed by Sue Bennett and Seconded by Sue Sharland.


2.      Chairman’s Report from Cherry Gibbs


The Founder’s Day at Stowe was well supported and we were lucky with a sunny day (pictures on Facebook). A couple of new faces attended , including Sue Laverick who some had not seen since 1965!

Upton House in Banbury was proposed for 2018 and met with agreement from the members so the date was set for Monday, 25th June.  More information will be sent in the Chairman’s letter later on.

The Edinburgh trip was also a success, 13 members and non members joined in over the three days.

Cherry felt that she could no longer continue in her office as Chairman due to health reasons, so very sadly informed the meeting that she would be handing in her resignation.


3.      Treasurer’s Report from Viv White


Viv circulated a copy of the Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2016 (copy attached in Appendix 1).  The cessation of Life Membership was also raised and Viv explained to the Meeting that ‘Life’ membership would have been taken out the year a girl left for (by today’s standards) a very small fee. It was felt that it was now time for all of those life members to start contributing otherwise ordinary members are bearing their costs. In future Life members would be kept on the data base and sent blanket email notifications when appropriate, but will not receive Keystone or the address booklet as that is what costs the money.


After note: extract from Sue Vaughan’s Chairman’s Report on 8th May 1999 “A reminder to those here today for the first time, the Life membership that might have applied when you left Overstone is no longer applicable and to stay in touch with us, which essentially means receiving a Newsletter each year, you must become a member and pay subs.”


For whatever reason this proposal was never seen through, it will come into force now.


Viv asked that subscriptions were paid by BACS if possible as this reduced the amount of administration work she had to do.


The Accounts were proposed by Sue Bennett and Seconded by Jo Johnson.


4.      Secretary’s Report from Jo Johnson


The Committee decided to return to mailing out subscription renewals.  This year’s request had been emailed but for one reason or another some members had not received or read it resulting in reminders having to be sent out with a follow-up telephone call.  It’s essential that we keep our current members list up to date so the decision was taken to revert to the postal system.  At the start of the Reunion we had 112 Members and by the end three more had joined brining us up to 115 current members.



5.      Keystone 2018 from Sue Jordan


Sue had nothing to report other than to confirm requests for news would be going out with the January 2018 subscription renewal letters and asked the meeting to send in their news and chivvy up other members to do the same.


6.      Website Update from Sue Bennett


Sue updated the Meeting on the number of ‘hits’ the website was achieving. In 2016 we had 8,654 unique visitors and as far as August 2017 12,711 visitors. The web site name costs us £35.97 per annum and Sue does all the updating on free programmes.


7.      Election/Re-election of Officers


Cherry Gibbs handed in her resignation as Chairman. Jo Johnson held the chair while a new Chairman was elected. Sue Bennett was nominated by Julia Jelley and seconded by Sanna Daw.


The Committee thanked Cherry for her support and hard work over the last two year.


Sanna Daw was nominated as a Committee Member by Jo Johnson and seconded by Roberta Coe. The committee was listed as: Sue Bennett, Jo Johnson,

Viv White, Sue Sharland, Sue Dawkins, Sanna Daw and Cherry Gibbs; with Sue Jordan and Julia Jelley as ex officio members.

Sue Sharland was particularly thanked for her work on the Reunion. The next Reunion is 2019 which will be 90 years since the school opened and 40 years since it closed. The committee will be looking into a special celebration.

The new Chairman stressed that the Association could only continue if a supply of willing computer literate members would come forward to join


8.      Future Reunions


York was suggested as a 3 day trip in 2018. This was left with the Committee who would investigate and update the membership.


9.      Main House Update from Jo Johnson


Barry Howard had held a public exhibition in March of his proposals at the Overstone Park Golf Club to which Jo and a few other old girls had attended. There was a lot of local opposition present and this initial application was subsequently rejected.  He’s hopeful that his new proposals will meet with approval.  He recently received a £250 thousand pound enabling grant from the Daventry District Council, half of what he was hoping for. 


      10. Our Overstone:Julia Jelley introduced the idea that we would self publish a book called

            “Our Overstone”. Members will be asked for their photos,memories, anecdotes and stories       

            that could be selected by editors. A letter will accompany the address booklet and

            chairman’s  letter so members can give their response

            The book will be published “online” to enable members to order a hard/soft back copy   



11. Any Other Business


The question of what to do with old school records was raised.  The Committee still had a few old record cards dating from the seventies.  A lot had already been reunited with their owners but it was felt that a decision should be taken with the remainder.  Sue Bennett would put a final plea on the website and Facebook  for old girls to claim theirs and a deadline of February 2019 be set, thereafter they would be destroyed.


The meeting closed at 15:20

            From the floor Margaret Bates ( Mrs Jones) re iterated the membership’s thanks to Cherry Gibbs for her work as Chairman over the past two years.

Balance Sheet and accounts 31/12/2016
                                                         Balance from 2015                                                                                                            £3,783.96
                                                         Membership Fees 2016                                                                                                            98.00
                                                         Other Income                                                                                                                            1.38

                                                                                                                                   TOTAL                                                                                                      3,883.34
                                   Expenditure:               Address Booklet 2015                                                                                                             155.00
                                                           Address Booklet 2016                                                                                                             100.00

                                                                         Keystone 2016                                                                                                                        799.00        
                                                           Website                                                                                                                                    40.00
Reunion Deposit                                                                                                                     250.00
                                                                        Postage and ink                                                                                                                       142.08
                                                           Gratuity                                                                                                                                   20.00

                                                                                                         TOTAL                                                                                  1506.68
Bank Account:
                           Balance in Bank                                                                                                                                                     £2,376.66
                           Cash in Hand                                                                                                                                                                nil
                                                                                                       TOTAL                                                                                     £2,376.66
Agenda for Bi Annual General Meeting
14.00 Saturday 2nd September
The University Women's Club.
1. Apologies and minutes of the BGM dated 12th September 2015
2. Chairman's Report
3.Treasurer's Report
4. Secretary's Report
8. Archives
5. Election of Chairman and Officers
6 Main House Update
7.Future Reunions
8.Book of Memories
9.School Records
Overstone Association
Notice is given of the Bi Annual General Meeting to be held at the University Women's Club, London W4K 1DB  on 2nd September 2017 at 2pm after a lunch to which all members are invited. ( see Events page)

Agenda will be posted nearer the time .
Draft minutes from the Biannual Meeting 2015 at the University Women's Club


1. Apologies from: Maite Burt ( Baldet), Joyce Peel, Louise Geary ( Chowne), Sanna Daw, Primrose Ludlow ( Palmer), Catriona Bracken( MacLeod), Susan Santos( Duffy), Elaine Ralphs, Jane Hill ( Smalley), Lorraine Lumley( Chown), Jane Swintek( Kimberley), Sue Egerton Thomas( Barker), Sue King ( Mc Gibbon),Sue Dawkins( Brown), Pat Richwald( Newton), Jayne Edmunds, Marie Baker ( Hodson), Lisa Netherton,, Jane Plumptre, Jean Pinkney, Clare Conant and Norma Stone


2. Acceptance of the Minutes from BGM 21st September 2013. Proposed by Sue Sharland and seconded by Margaret Jones.


3. Chairman’s Report. Roberta Coe welcomed the members and gave a brief resume of the two Founder’s Days 2014 Waddesdon and 2015 Mottisfont. The Mottisfont meeting was particularly well attended by 22 members.


Roberta reported that we have 127 paid up members, we had 139 two years ago. At the end of December 2016 there are 96 members due to renew their subscriptions. The reminders go out in January 2017 and so we shall see what the numbers are at this time as to how the Association will move forward. We are a naturally diminishing group, and that is why it is so cheering that so many leavers from the 1970s have attended this Reunion.


Sue Caple Jordan has volunteered to take on Keystone editorial for 2016


Roberta explained it was the end of her four years as Chairman and thanked all the committee for their work and support, especially Sue Bates as secretary. Roberta wished in incoming Chairman good luck.


4. Secretary’s Report:


Sue Bates reported on the membership numbers stating that it is sometimes very hard to ascertain if our oldest members are still with us, we ask for non delivered mail to be returned, and we do try telephoning but often we get an answerphone or no reply at all. We do get a lot of information via the website. Children of old girls going through their parents effects come across copies of Keystone and then Google the school.


Following on from website links, a lot of correspondence is with families of deceased old girls, and that then gives rise to work from the archives. The archives are in the capable hands of Julia Jelley. This year she has made a real breakthough in the organisation of the material. Lorrie Lumley, nee Chown, and a past chairman, spent 3 days going through all the material and filing it all in order in various box files. This has made an enormous difference to finding “old girls”. Some of the archive had been brought here today and we hoped the membership has enjoyed looking through the year groups. Sue formally thanked Julia and Lorrie.


Another part of her correspondence has been to send off joining forms to potential new members. The secretary gets enquiries from the website, but also from a Facebook page run by Bridget Peirson Davies who left in the late 1970s, and at this meeting we have the biggest collection of non members because of the word of mouth through social media.

A greater part of the secretary’s correspondence is noting an event, an anniversary, a house moving, sadly quite often, death. The secretary writes on behalf of the Association and in tandem with the chairman and Treasurer the Association usually gives a donation to the deceased girl’s chosen charity.


The address booklet is updated each year, the names and addresses are only for membership use and to ensure members privacy we do ask that information is not passed on.  Email addresses are used more often to remind members of events, or if something important needs to be shared, the contact is kept to a minimum so as not to clog mail boxes. There are 109 members on email.


From this year, Keystone is being edited by Sue Caple Jordan. The request for news and any interesting articles goes out in January please do return your submissions as soon as you can. Most of us now submit as an attachment online to info@overtsoneschool.co.uk and Viv White collates these before sending them on to the Editor.


Following our meeting last year and the concern for the Main House, The secretary wrote to Daventry Council, the local MP, the Overstone Parish Council and the vicar of St Nicholas Church. She did not receive a reply or acknowledgement from any of them. She has monitored the Daventry Co Co website and it seems that they voted 1m towards buying the house last year. The Conservation Officer remains difficult to contact, but Kerry Baker, who spoke to us last Reunion, says that the Church prevaricated all year and it now looks as though there will be a compulsory purchase order put in place. Meanwhile, vandals returned and have now fired the dining room and the wing that was firstly staff and school san rooms and then Sixth Form Study bedrooms.


The secretary was contacted by the Great Nephew of Henrietta Franklin after searching out her true birth date for Founder’s Day FEBRUARY! He has offered to put us in touch with her great grand daughter in USA


Sue is in post here for another year, would be delighted for anyone to volunteer to take on the job and spend the year learning the ropes and getting the computer work up to date. She is happy to continue with the website, unless someone else is a whizz at websites, but it’s the updating of the lists and keeping an eye out for obituaries that tend to take up most of her time. There are only 2 committee meetings a year, so it’s only 2 agendas and 2 lots of minutes, all done by email. It is a “people post” so the secretary elect does need to like meeting and greeting and being cheerful at all times!


Jo Johnson ( Northfield) volunteered to take on this role.


5. Treasurer’s Report:


Sue Sharland circulated a copy of the Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2014


The balance stands at £4,020.88 Sue could you email me a copy of the accounts? I have tried scanning in but I can’t get a good copy.


Sue Bates held the chair while new committee members and chairman were elected.


Nominations for Sue Dawkins ( Brown) proposed by Lorraine Lumley, seconded by Sue Bates

Cherry Gibbs ( Drummond) proposed by Marie Baker and seconded by Julia Jelley


Both were duly elected and Cherry Gibbs agreed to serve as Chairman.


Cherry Gibbs took over the meeting as Chairman after we had thanked Roberta for all her hard work.


6. There was little to add to the secretary’s news of the house. One member did think the house would be sold, but there was no concrete news.


7. Suggestions for Founder’s Days Outings were as follows:


Charlcote Park, Warwickshire

Sandringham, Norfolk

Nuffield Place, Oxfordshire

Hughenden House, Buckinghamshire

Wisley Royal Horticultural Gardens. Surrey


7. It was felt from the body of members attending that the University Women’s Club was an excellent venue for the formal Reunions.


8 A.O.B. Anna Gordon outlined an idea for visiting Edinburgh, possibly in July before the Festival crowds. She described visits that could be made to the Castle, Britannia, a variety of Art Galleries, the Botanic Gardens and many eateries. The membership warmly welcomed the idea and the Committee will discuss this and liaise with Anna.


The meeting closed at 2.45 pm.


These minutes were presented and approved, proposed by Sue Sharland (nee Ennis) and seconded by Maggie Jones (nee Bates)




Minutes of the  General Meeting 21st September 2013-held at Sedgebrook Hall, Chapel Brampton.



1. Roberta Coe welcomed the members and read through the apologies.( see Agenda)


2. The minutes of the last General Meeting were approved (proposed Margaret Jones and Norma Kent)


3. Roberta Coe gave a report of the years’ activities ( 2012/13), Keystone and Founder’s Days,  Sue Bates reported on membership (139) and success of website (2531 visits since starting). Both she and Julia Jelley ( Archivist) have been busy fielding enquiries. Viv White is taking over managing the website.


4. Liz Morgan reported on the finances for 2012.  She pointed out 2013/14 would be a bumper year for subscriptions as the collection of subs had been streamlined into years 2013 and 2016. She noted that the Reunion lunch would run at a loss since the expected numbers had not been forthcoming, this amount would be shown in the next account rendering. ( 67 members attended in 2009 at Castle Ashby). The figures  were received (proposed Marie Baker and Julia Jelley). Separate sheet attached to these minutes.


5. The proposed change to the constitution was agreed  ( proposed Julia Jelley, seconded Cherry Gibbs).


6. Changes to the committee were announced. Marie Baker and Liz Morgan were thanked for their service and both given a gift from the Association. Sue Sharland will rejoin as treasurer.


7. Ideas for Founder’s Day . Members were asked to submit ideas for stately homes, landscaped gardens that would provide a venue for our informal gatherings. National Trust properties were favoured as they usually had good cafes and members could use their passes! So far suggestions are: Waddeston Manor, Aylesbury, Blenhiem Palace, Oxford, Stowe Gardens, Stowe, and Hatfield House. The date for 2014 Founder’s Day is 14th June, the venue to be announced when research has been done.


The next Reunion lunch will be in London in 2015. The University Women’s Club, as previously used, will be approached. Most members who attended last time felt this was a good venue. There were 47 attendees at this gathering, although 2 did not stay for the lunch.


8. Guest Speaker: Roberta welcomed Kerry Baker and Karen Steele from the Overstone House Action Group. Kerry explained that she had simply fallen in love with the house and felt compelled to try and save it. The first step was to get an Options Appraisal (costing £20,000) which would report on the viability of a restoration project, or at least a “make safe” state. With this it might be possible to access various grants from The Architectural Heritage Fund. English Heritage were not really interested and she has been trying various other groups.

She and Karen have had meetings with the New Testament people and she has had considerable difficulty pinning them down to agreements. Fund –raising events have been discussed but Health and Safety Issues abound. It seems that the Church still own the 30 acres around the main house and let it for farming. The tenants in the main house, which was a sticking point for selling, are now moving out.

The Group is approaching the Lottery Fund in the hopes of getting scaffolding to shore up the worst of the deterioration around Honesty Dorm and the Senior Common Room. Local residents are very supportive, but haven’t actually become involved.

Various strategies were discussed. It was suggested that pressure be put on the owners through Daventry Council ( Rachel Booth , the Conservation Officer, is in touch with OHAG) and English Heritage. It was further suggested that members might write to the MP Brian Binley expressing concern that the building is being let to deteriorate.

Letters may also go to: The Chronicle and Echo, Northampton Life, Northampton Post and Overstone Parish Council and the Vivat Trust.

It was agreed that the committee would look into contacting the membership with bullet points that might be incorporated in a letter to all or any of the above. The Committee would supply names and addresses in the hope that the membership would write individually to express concern. It is essential the Grade 2 listed status be kept.

The letter will be forthcoming.

Roberta thanked Kerry and Karen, and they were applauded warmly for their efforts.


The meeting closed at 3.15pm.


Notice is hereby given of the Bi Annual General Meeting to be held on 12th September 2015 at 2pm, following lunch, at the University Women's Club, 2, Audley Square London W1K 1DB. The agenda for this meeting and the minutes of the previous BGM , held at Sedgebrook Hotel Chapel Brampton Northamptonshire follow.



Agenda for the Bi Annual General Meeting



12th September 2015



University Women’s Club

Audley Sq




Apologies: Marie Burt ( Baldet), Joyce Peel, Louise Geary ( Chowne), Sanna Daw, Primrose Ludlow ( Palmer), Catriona Bracken( MacLeod), Susan Santos( Duffy), Elaine Ralphs, Jane Hill ( Smalley), Lorraine Lumley( Chown), Jane Swintek( Kimberley), Sue Egerton Thomas( Barker), Sue King ( Mc Gibbon),Sue Dawkins( Brown), Pat Richwald( Newton), Jayne Edmunds, Marie Baker ( Hodson), Lisa Netherton,, Jane Plumptre,Clare Conant (Madden), Rosemary Bentley


Minutes of the BGM 21st September 2013


Chairman’s Report


Secretary’s Report


Treasurer’s Report


Election of new Committee


Nominations already received: Cherry Gibbs ( Chairman)


                                                    Sue Dawkins ( Brown)




News of Overstone House


Founder’s Days


Future Reunions









Draft Minutes of the  General Meeting 21st September 2013-held at Sedgebrook Hall, Chapel Brampton.



1. Roberta Coe welcomed the members and read through the apologies.( see Agenda)


2. The minutes of the last General Meeting were approved (proposed Margaret Jones and Norma Kent)


3. Roberta Coe gave a report of the years’ activities ( 2012/13), Keystone and Founder’s Days,  Sue Bates reported on membership (139) and success of website (2531 visits since starting). Both she and Julia Jelley ( Archivist) have been busy fielding enquiries. Viv White is taking over managing the website.


4. Liz Morgan reported on the finances for 2012.  She pointed out 2013/14 would be a bumper year for subscriptions as the collection of subs had been streamlined into years 2013 and 2016. She noted that the Reunion lunch would run at a loss since the expected numbers had not been forthcoming, this amount would be shown in the next account rendering. ( 67 members attended in 2009 at Castle Ashby). The figures  were received (proposed Marie Baker and Julia Jelley). Separate sheet attached to these minutes.


5. The proposed change to the constitution was agreed  ( proposed Julia Jelley, seconded Cherry Gibbs).


6. Changes to the committee were announced. Marie Baker and Liz Morgan were thanked for their service and both given a gift from the Association. Sue Sharland will rejoin as treasurer.


7. Ideas for Founder’s Day . Members were asked to submit ideas for stately homes, landscaped gardens that would provide a venue for our informal gatherings. National Trust properties were favoured as they usually had good cafes and members could use their passes! So far suggestions are: Waddeston Manor, Aylesbury,Blenhiem Palace, Oxford, Stowe Gardens, Stowe, and Hatfield House. The date for 2014 Founder’s Day is 14th June, the venue to be announced when research has been done.


The next Reunion lunch will be in London in 2015. The University Women’s Club, as previously used, will be approached. Most members who attended last time felt this was a good venue. There were 47 attendees at this gathering, although 2 did not stay for the lunch.


8. Guest Speaker: Roberta welcomed Kerry Baker and Karen Steele from the Overstone House Action Group. Kerry explained that she had simply fallen in love with the house and felt compelled to try and save it. The first step was to get an Options Appraisal (costing £20,000) which would report on the viability of a restoration project, or at least a “make safe” state. With this it might be possible to access various grants from The Architectural Heritage Fund. English Heritage were not really interested and she has been trying various other groups.

She and Karen have had meetings with the New Testament people and she has had considerable difficulty pinning them down to agreements. Fund –raising events have been discussed but Health and Safety Issues abound. It seems that the Church still own the 30 acres around the main house and let it for farming. The tenants in the main house, which was a sticking point for selling, are now moving out.

The Group is approaching the Lottery Fund in the hopes of getting scaffolding to shore up the worst of the deterioration around Honesty Dorm and the Senior Common Room. Local residents are very supportive, but haven’t actually become involved.

Various strategies were discussed. It was suggested that pressure be put on the owners through Daventry Council ( Rachel Booth , the Conservation Officer, is in touch with OHAG) and English Heritage. It was further suggested that members might write to the MP Brian Binley expressing concern that the building is being let to deteriorate.
